Rain Gardens

New Construction & Rain Water Management

When you're building a new construction home in Bucks County and Montogmery County, Pennsylvania, you will have to budget your new construction build to incorporate rain water management system. Often this includes a rain garden.

What does a rain garden do?

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The goal of the rain garden is to absorb all the excess rain water from impervious surfaces in designated controlled area. Adding structures, driveways, patios and other impervious surfaces to your property will decrease the amount square feet available for absorption of rain water back into the earth. We are required to take action to prevent the excess water from leaving the home site. Designing the homesite to collect rain water, direct it in a precise location such as a rain garden, to absorb into the site is the responsibility of the site engineer.

Do I need a Rain Garden?

The short answer, probably. Around 95% of new construction homes in our area need a rain garden or some sort of rain water control system in place. Alternatively, your could also construct a pond to collect excess rain, but that is a much more in-depth engineering and construction process.

How much does a rain garden cost?

Generally, a rain garden will cost between $25,000 and $75,000. This is rough ballpark. Factors such as how much impervious surface, soil quality and soil permeability all play into the size of the rain garden and ultimately the cost.


Leave us a comment below and we will happy to answer any questions you may have about rain gardens or new construction process.