Getting Your Footing

The footer size will vary based on the soil you’re building in as well as the structural load of the home. Once the forms are squared and triple checked, we will spray diesel fuel on the inside of the aluminum walls making it easier to remove the forms when the concrete hardens. The whole process of building a foundation will take about 3 weeks give or take. Sometimes less, sometimes longer depending on weather.

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Forming a Foundation

This is the “last hoorah” before you actually start physically building the home up from the ground.

The footer size will vary based on the soil you’re building in as well as the structural load of the home. Once the forms are squared and triple checked, we will spray diesel fuel on the inside of the aluminum walls making it easier to remove the forms when the concrete hardens. The whole process of building a foundation will take about 3 weeks give or take. Sometimes less, sometimes longer depending on weather.

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